for Australian Employers

When your staff submit a Fairtime timesheet, we convert it into a payslip automatically with one click!
Fairtime software ensures your staff are paid at the right rate, every pay cycle.

Our Clients

What is Fairtime?

Timesheet Software​

Staff record their work hours using our easy to use timesheet interface.

Award Interpretation

Work hours are tracked against the relevant Modern Award. Employer is issued a payslip based on the appropriate Award rate.

Comprehensive Reporting

Employers need to be able to demonstrate that they pay to the Modern Award. Our reports are all the proof you need.

When Do You Need Fairtime?

You Employ Staff under a Modern Award

The Award system is complex. Staff must be paid the right rate.

You're Not Recording Employee Work Hours

Failing to track work hours puts your business at risk of underpayment.

Your Current Timesheet System is Ineffective

Ditch your old, inefficient, manual timesheet system and get a clearer picture of where your staff’s time is being spent.

You're Not Sure What Pay Rates to Apply to Your Staff

Fairtime is very simple to use. We automate Award Interpretation to ensure the right salary is paid.

Your Payroll Processing Is Slow

You need to make sure that your payroll system is efficient. Our technology saves you time and money.

Your Competition Has Been Found Out for Underpayment

The Fair Work Ombudsman takes underpayment very seriously. Is your business at risk?

What Does Fairtime Look Like?

Why Choose Fairtime?

Best In Class Technology

We have easy-to-use time and attendance software to suit your business needs.

Created by Lawyers & Developers Working Together

A flexible, intuitive system that is customizable to meet your unique business needs.

We Listen & Try to Understand Your Business

We do whatever we can to customise our technology to help you. We’re not one size fits all!

We Respond Quickly to Your Queries

We know it’s important to get a response promptly. We value your business.

We Integrate with Your Existing Systems

We have an Open API to ensure your Fairtime instance can integrate with market leading software you already use.

We Also Provide Legal Advice

You won’t have to worry about underpayment every again. Our lawyers can help ensure all your legal questions are answered!

How Does Fairtime Work?

1. Create An Account

Use your business email to register. It only takes a minute!

2. Add Your Employees

Give your employees access to Fairtime so they can submit timesheets.

3. Approve Timesheets

When a timesheet is submitted, you’ll be asked to approve it.

4. Automated Payslips & Reporting

Fairtime can convert a timesheet into a payslip with one simple click!

Contact Us

Wherever you are in Australia.

General inquiries:

0432 467 653

Shared Office Location:

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